Ven. Dr. BellanwilaWimalaratana
Anunayaka of Kotte Chapter
Chancellor - University of Sri Jayewardenepura
The 2600th anniversary of Sambuddhathva Jayanthi falls on May 17. It is a very significant event, and a landmark, in the history of Buddhism. It is celebrated by more than 600 million Buddhists all over the world. It was on this Vesak Full Moon Poya Day, the greatest son of India, Siddhartha Gauthama Buddha, attained the Bliss of Nibbana of Enlightenment Samma Sambodhi Under the Bodhi Tree, near the banks of Neranjana at Gaya, presently known as Buddhagaya.
The other two important events that occurred on the Vesak Full Moon Day were the Birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama and the Passing Away or the demise of the Thathagatha Gautama Buddha, at the age of 80 years.
Out of these three notable events, the attainment of Enlightenment - the state in which the “Mind is Awakened” to its true nature, which is omniscient and blissful, is of utmost importance.
It was a birth of a new philosophy. In fact, it has a massive impact, and the humanity followed the principles - refraining from doing evil: indulging in doing good; learning to cleanse their minds - by following the teachings of The Buddha. In achieving the Enlightenment 2600 years ago, “Mahapurisa”, the “Awakened One” destroyed the process of Birth and Death, which is called Samsara and achieved more continuity of Mind and Body and no - Rebirth. The achievement in known as Tevijja - Three - fold knowledge, Sammasambudha taught the people to live a life free of violence, fear and hatred. Therefore, The Buddha is known as a Sage at Peace (Muni, Santa) and Nibbana as “The Peaceful State (Santam Padam).
Pious life
Throughout his Sansaric journey, as Bodhisattva, he lived a pious life, full of compassion forwards others. He gave alms - sacrificing his life, wife and even children so dear and near to Him, more than thousand million of - aeons - (Kalpas) to achieve the highest-state of Samadhi (Bodhi) in which the “Mind is Awakened and Illuminated”. Once you go through the Jataka tales numbering 548, It clearly shows the indefatigable effort make by Him to reach 415 ultimate goal Bliss of Nibbana. It was achieved with unbelievable sacrifices and commitment.
After partaking His last meal before Enlightment, offered by Sujatha, He achieved His final triumph. Cross - legged he sat under a tree, which became known as Bodhi Tree - unflagging in His devotion, cleansing the mind of impurities, recollecting the past births - (Pubbenivasanussa atinaha). This was the first knowledge attained by Him in the first watch of the night Bodisattva, Prince Siddhartha, directed His mind, to the knowledge of the disappearing and reappearing of being to varied forms, faring according to His deeds (cutuapatanana). In the riddle which, He attained knowledge. What next - ! He directed his mind to the eradication of the taints - (asavakkayanana). The Bodhisattva Siddhartha understood - This is suffering (dukkha). This is the arising of suffering - this is the path leading to the cessation of suffering. This is the path leadind to the cessation of defilements. Knowing and seen thus, His mind was liberated from the defilements (klesa) - (a) sense pleasures (b) of becoming (bhavasava) and (c) Ignorance (avijjasava). When His mind “liberated”, there came the knowledge. Then he destroyed birth and noble life.
Words of victory
After Prince Siddhartha attained Buddhahood - Enlightenment he was overjoyed and uttered the stanza given below (English translation below) these were the words of victory: It gives an account in a nutshell about what the Buddha achieved. This was his joyful feelings. Seeking but not finding the house builder,
I hurried through the round of many births:
Painful is birth ever and again,
O! Architect, you have seen;
You shall not build house again,
Your rafters have been broken up,
Your ridge pole is demolished too,
My mind has now attained the uniformed Nibbana,
And reach the end of every sort of craving.
The Buddha compares Sansara to a house builder. In his quest for achieving Nibbana the Rafters of the house were broken. Then Buddha was a great communicator. Siddhartha Gauthama, at the age (35) years on another Full Moon of May Vesak in 578 B.C. attained Supreme Enlightenment comprehending in all their fullness. The Four Noble Truths and became a Buddha. If you ask me a question, what is the priceless message the Buddha gave to suffering humanity to get rid of the bondage of Dukkha, it is the Four Noble Truths.
On this red letter day - when we celebrated the 2600th year of the attainment of Buddhahood, we most remember the Awakened One, the Blessed One as a Mahapurisa, who belongs to the whole mankind. His teaching appeals to everybody. Every religion which came into existence after the Gauthama Buddha has borrowed many meaningful and good ideas from the Blessed One. We are ever grateful to the Blessed One. On this Vesak Full Moon Poya Day, we must strive hard to follow the Eight Fold Path - right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right speech, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration and the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha, which will shape over lives accordingly. Let us all get together and shower the blessing of kindness and compassion to all beings. The need of the hour is to follow the message of the Buddha Dhamma, The knowledge, in the Dhamma is the key to the Higher Path, which brings calmness and peace to our lives. In short, Buddhism is a way of living.
May the Triple Gem Bless you all.
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