Ven. Mahanuwara Sasanawanse Thera
Sri Nigrodaramaya Monestery,
“A few among such men as thee,
The other shore they do reach
Other people who then remain,
They run on this shore again.
Among folk they are few,
Who go to the further shore
Most among humanity
Scurry on this hither shore”.
(Dhammapada 6:10)
“As a frontier city well-guarded,
Within and without, so guard
Yourself. Do not lose a single
Moment, for those who let the
Opportunity slip away do indeed
Grieve when they fall into
Woeful states.
Even as a border town.
Guarded within and without
So should you protect yourself
Do not let this moment pass
For when this moment’s gone they grieve
Sending themselves to hell”.
(Dhammapada 22:10)
The gift of truth excels all other gifts.
If one is capable in guarding his stream of consciousness without allowing it to go to any extraneous object that is the highest degree of knowledge one could achieve.
A perfect uninterrupted moment is the beginning and end of all eternity and deathlessness.
A change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones that we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Peace and joy comes from within.
When a fish swims he swims on an on and there is no end to the water. When a bird flies he flies on and on and there is no end to the sky. Thus it reveals that we are responsible for our misfortunes. If we go probing beneath the surface events in search of main spring of human miseries we will find that it is due to the lack of universal human sympathy in the particular individual’s mind. It is only through the peace of mind of the individual that the peace among the nations can be achieved. If any person keeps his mind far away from the dirt of thinking and looking at others he will become an invaluable flawless diamond. One can enter into the silent sanctuary of his own being is the path of leisurely contemplation.
Discipline within one’s mind is the essence of Buddha Dhamma. By renouncing a small pleasure one derives bliss: So the wise man relinquishes small pleasures in view of the greater one.
(Dhammapada 21:1)
The Buddha expounded spiritual equality of all men and women if they develop their full potentials morally and intellectually. It is only if we have experienced suffering in ample measures that we can resolve to run away from “Samsara” cycle of birth and death, and to work our way out of it. That is something about themselves as they are now, which if understood, at once creates the greatest joy and peace of liberation that man can know.
A man’s true end of destiny in Buddhist terms is harmony with ‘Nibbana’. This supreme order of blissful joy is not a result to be attained through action, but a fact to be realized through knowledge. This could be considered to a psychological aspect of Dhamma is a state of mind called ‘total acceptance” ‘yes’ to everything this moment and every moment.
This supreme bliss of Nibbana does not depend on any external events, it belongs to the nature of the individual who remains unaffected by any kind of suffering.
Each man is the architect of his own destiny. One has to find out for oneself and not through anybody else.
“The cognitive insight arose. The release of my mind cannot be disturbed by any external force. This is my last birth. There is no future becoming”. (The Buddha).
It is impossible to escape reality what is now. It is equally impossible to accept or embrace it. It is always new.
May this mind-healing wisdom of the blessed One be the sufficiency in all things to all beings.
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